Being distinct isn’t a bad thing. It’s actually an incredible feat to achieve these days. Companies tend to offer the same products, provide the same services, and highlight the same features. The one thing that usually separates these businesses are the brands themselves. This creates a downward race to the bottom, forcing businesses to go lean and compete for price. However, if you learn how to become distinct and curate a unique experience, then you are no longer competing for price.
The average e-commerce business has a conversion rate between 1-2%
We always aim to surpass this rate as a normal baseline.Consumers spend over $600 Billion annually on e-commerce, and the number keeps rising
We will help you achieve your piece of the pie.Over 60% of consumers have a better opinion of brands with unique & optimized mobile experiences
Our experts will make sure your mobile users will engage and interact with your brand in a positive fashion.Over 40% of marketers say photography is crucial to the success of their content and storytelling marketing campaigns
We ensure your brand's story resonates with your audience across all of your mediums.Content marketing costs more than 60% less than traditional marketing and sees 3 times as many leads in comparison
Our strategies are designed to ensure your audience is getting the critical information to guide them to conversions.Over 70% of marketers feel creating relevant content has the biggest impact on SEO efforts
We build organic strategies that help users go from awareness to conversion.There are over 600 million websites with over 6 billion Google searches performed daily
Our high-converting webpages (HCP) are designed to be search engine & user friendly to deliver a unique experience that search engines rank for.73% of companies invest in a unique web design to differentiate themselves from competitors
Our websites highlight the most special features of your business in a unique way to deliver an incredible user experience.Over 90% of all first impressions of a website are based on design alone
Our expert developers create a user experience so unique, your audience will remember your page even if they do not engage at first sight.It only takes 10 seconds for someone to form an impression of your brand
Our highly-customized strategies makes your audience impression a top priority when creating brand awareness.Over 30% of the top brands worldwide use blue in their logo
We ensure your brand and color schema represents your message and targets the right audience.For most customers to remember your brand, they need between 4-8 interactions
Our highly sophisticated and creative approach ensures your audience will have something to talk about and remember your brand.Outperform the market on your terms by contacting iQSAY to learn how you can succeed where others have failed
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